About The Pistachio:

The pistachio tree is a desert plant that grows up to 10 m tall. It has deciduous pinnate leaves, 10-20 centimeters long. Its flowers are cluster.The tree produces seed that are consumed as food. Pistachio is a kind of dried fruit.Iran is the most important country in exporting pistachio to other countries.Pistachio not only in two kind of raw and roasted, but also fresh and wet.Pistachio comes to the market in late summer and through early autumn.Its kernel is used for baking cake, sweets, jams, decorating sweets, rice and ice cream.

Benefit of pistachio:

Pistachio are great source of healthy fats, fiber, protein, antioxidants and various nutrients,Including vitamin B6 and potassium.Their health benefits include a healthier gut, lower cholesterol and blood sugar.It is also helpful in promoting weight loss, eye and blood vessel health.